Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bedbug Services by Downs Pest Control

In Des Moines Bedbugs are becoming a growing problem. There are many reasons for this which include increased travel and lack of familiarity with the pest, but in all cases if you think you have bedbugs you need to consult with a professional. Many of the most difficult and severe bedbug infestations we have faced have been homes where occupants tried for months to battle bedbugs on their own.

Many people who think they may have bedbugs hesitate to call a professional because of the cost associated with bedbug treatments. They can be very expensive but do not hesitate to call us for an inspection and quote. Our quotes are free and you can turn to us to get help, we are dedicated to helping eradicate the bedbug problem that is growing in Des Moines.

So do not hesitate to call us, you will be surprised about how affordable and effective our bedbug treatments can be. Visit our bedbug treatment site or visit our homepage.

Thank you and we look forward to helping you solve your bedbug problems quickly!

If you think you may qualify for our affordable bedbug services visit our bedbug programs page.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Downs Pest Control Mouse Treatments

Many people ask us what we do differently to treat for mice that what they can do. Most homeowners go to the store and buy over-the-counter products like snap traps, sticky traps, and mouse poison. Although we use a lot of the same products that homeowners use or have access to, what we do is a little different that what homeowners usually do.

What our service provides is mainly expertise and access to great professional mouse products that work. We deal with mice all the time, we know how they eat, how the reproduce, how they build nests, and most importantly how to catch them. Our mouse service also allows us to use a wide variety of products that may be difficult for homeowners to get or may be very expensive. Most our rodent services include return visits, visits where we check your traps and remove any mice that have been caught. We also will return at your convenience and make the entire mouse elimination process very easy for you.

For more information about our mouse and rodent services that we offer in Des Moines and to central Iowa visit our mice treatments page or visit our homepage for more information. Mice are very common in Iowa and can cause major problems to your home and your health if not treated quickly.

Also you can contact us at 515-309-2089! Thank you and have great day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pest of the Week - Brown Recluse Spider

The brown recluse spider is a common insect that lives in the Midwest and can also be found in Iowa. The brown recluse spider does have a poisonous bite that can cause serious problems is not treated by a medical professional. However, the brown recluse spider does not intentionally attack humans, in fact they are very fearful of humans and do all they can to remain unnoticed. This is why they are called the brown recluse, they are very reclusive. 

Brown recluse spiders like to hide in dark places, in the Iowa outdoors brown recluse spiders can be found under rocks and in hollow logs. If indoors brown recluse spiders usually find refuge in quiet dark places where humans rarely go but there is a supply of food (insects). Places such as Iowa basements and closets are perfect places for the brown recluse spider to hide. 

The brown recluse spider is also nocturnal, they do most of their hunting in the evening hours. During they day, brown recluse spiders hide in their webs. Compared to other spiders the web of the brown recluse is very messy, stands of web seem to have no pattern and seem to be randomly strung. Most brown recluse spider bites are caused by humans accidentally invading the brown recluses space or disturbing their hiding place. 

According to

The bite, in general, is the result of pressing the spider with the skin during the night when the person sleeps (38%), or when people get dressed (32%) with clothes that were hung on walls or closets for a long time. Normally, the bite can be found on the face and the extremities. The spider is seen in the 60% of the cases but only identified in 13% of them.

It is very important to know if there is a presence of brown recluse spiders in your home. Most often there is not. Most often the spiders in your home are cellar spiders that are harmless to humans and they are actually beneficial because they eat the bugs that invade your home. But in rare cases brown recluses spiders are in homes, and they are a hazard to your health. Because brown recluse spiders are so secretive it can be very difficult to know if they are in your home or not. You can always place sticky traps in dark corners to monitor insect activity in your home.

We offer affordable preventative spider and brown recluse services in Des Moines and central Iowa to monitor and prevent brown recluse infestations and we also offer affordable pest control services to eradicate a population of brown recluse spiders from your home in Des Moines or central Iowa. We offer free pest inspections so do not hesitate to call us at 515-309-2089 or visit our Des Moines, Iowa pest control website for more information .

The University of Kentucky also has a very informative web page about brown recluse spiders that you can visit to learn more.